You are cordially invited to participate in the 5th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia.The conference
objective is to provide an international forum for the dissemination and exchange of scientific information on theoretical, generic, and applied
areas of ambient intelligence and ergonomics, including their theories and applications in safety,healthcare, digital human modeling, affective and pleasurable design, advanced manufacturing system, future product design, and service engineering.
Ambient intelligence systems
Cost and effect analysis of ambient intelligence applications
Data analysis in ambient intelligence
Digital human modeling
Domestic care of the elderly, Assisted living (ambient intelligence applications)
Health care (ambient intelligence applications)
Human factors in ambient intelligence
Human system interface
Interdisciplinary aggregation architecture of ambient intelligence
Mobile commerce
Occupational psychology applications in ambient intelligence
RFID applications
Smart factory, ambient intelligence in industry (ambient intelligence applications)
Smart home, ambient intelligence at home (ambient intelligence applications)
Smart shops, shopping, recommender system, business (ambient intelligence applications)
Systematic procedure for designing, analyzing, and implementing ambient intelligence applications
Virtual museum, tour (ambient intelligence applications)
Virtual product design, affective and pleasurable design (ambient intelligence applications)
Good abstracts will be selected and be asked to provide full paper for further consideration of publication in the special issues of international journals which are indexed by EI, SCI or SSCI.
Journal Publications (Special Issues)
Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering (JIPE,EI)
Healthcare (ISSN 2227-9032)
indexed within Scopus, SCIE and SSCI (Web of Science)
Special Issue "Ergonomics Study in Healthcare Assistive Tools and Services"
*It is open access: free for readers, with article processing charges (1600 CHF) paid by authors.
2021/01/15 2021/01/22
Extended Abstract submission
Reviewer remarks
Revised Extended Abstract
2021/01/31 2021/02/04
Early bird registration
Regular registration
Each abstract must be registered by at least one author before March 1st, 2021
Other Times:
Overseas Chinese University
Address: No. 100, Ciaoguang Rd., Situn Dist., Taichung City 40721, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
National Penghu University of Science and Technology
Address: No.300, Liuhe Rd., Magong City, Penghu County 880011, Taiwan (R.O.C.)